Sunday July 21st 2024, 5pm, Blast n Scrap at Scrimshaw Tattoo (supporting Clover’s Curfew), Fort Collins, Colorado
Saturday August 12th 2023, 6pm doors, Blast n Scrap at The Coast, Fort Collins, Colorado
Saturday September 3rd 2022, 6.15pm, Blast n Scrap “Co-Opted Farm Fest”, Fort Collins, Colorado
Friday July 22nd 2022, 8pm-10pm at The Forge (with TMULE), Fort Collins, Colorado
Tofu Boy’s music is written off the back of a nomadic streak. Now a Brit who lives in Colorado, USA, his songs provide a commentary on life on the road, and life as it is, and are taken from his forthcoming debut album “A Different Way of Living.”
” ‘Deliberate Design’ by Tofu Boy is beautiful in the way that a meaningful piece of art, a book, a movie or play is beautiful even though, like life, it is full of hard choices, sadness (even extremely so), redemption, or survival of love against formidable odds… The orchestration whether analog or electronic is a total surprise as is the sparse piano and other sounds. They are elegant, easy on the heart and sublime. ” – American Pancake, September 2021
“[Shark Attack] starts off with a real heavy riff and that’s what sucked me into it.” – Frank (“Shakin’ Abe”) Dragotto – The JFJ Conspiracy Podcast, May 2021
“I love how this song looks back fondly on things that used to be part of pop culture. The sound of the vocals is quirky and catchy. Take a listen to ‘Shark Attack’. It is well worth your time!” – Music Injection Blog, April 2021
“Tofu Boy might just be the smartest kid in the room, and don’t expect him to hold his talent back. “ – Alt 77 blog, April 2021
Contact tofuboymusic@gmail.com